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The iconic street artist Szabotage will launch a new NFT collection via Quidd, Animoca Brand’s NFT marketplace. The drop titled “Stencil Tongue” carries the artist’s signature style to the Metaverse. Accordingly, the collectibles will drop on July 27th via Quidd.
One of the most iconic contemporary street artists, Szabotage, returns to the NFT scene! The creator will drop a brand new NFT collection set to launch this month: “Stencil Tongue”. Quidd, the NFT marketplace of Animoca Brands, will host the minting process.
Each digital asset features Szabotage’s exquisite art style. In fact, the artist is renowned for the hidden meanings and cult language incorporated in his artworks. Of course, the Stencil Tongue NFTs make no exception!
For example, minters of the first two NFT sets will be able to create stories using Szabotage’s individual stencils. This innovative technique brings new meaning to each combination created.
In addition, the Stencil Tongue drop will include ultra-limited Print Series collectibles. Accordingly, these NFTs are customized by Szabotage himself!
All in all, the Stencil Tongue collection is a journey inside the street artist’s creative beliefs, ideas, and imagination. Collectors will gain access to the NFTs starting July 27th on the Quidd marketplace.
Coming from the giant Animoca Brands, Quidd is one of the leading NFT marketplaces of the moment. The platform launched way back in 2016 and has been thriving ever since.
Over the years, Quidd worked with HBO, Disney, and more entertainment giants for unique NFT drops. Right now, the NFT marketplace boasts over 300 projects.
Together with Szabotage, the two aim to bring the artist’s unique street art style to the digital era. This way, Szabotage’s artworks become available to a broader audience of NFT collectors too.
In short, Szabotage is one of the top street artists of this era. Accordingly, he has always been fascinated by spray painting. His signature represents a Koi fish that symbolizes strength and fortune – two of his most valuable characteristics.
Szabotage’s technique involves layering stencils to create clever, unique artworks. From double meanings to satire and culture, the artist approaches many areas uniquely.
Of course, the Hong-Kong based artist quickly gained popularity. As a result, he worked with Prada, Louis Vuitton, and The Ritz Carlton, to name a few. Some of his previous art pieces sold for more than $10K per piece.
The Stencil Tongue drop makes Szabotage the first Hong Kong artist to mint NFTs.
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Adele Ioana is a writer with a deep interest in digital visual arts. Between covering two news stories, she enjoys drawing portraits and studying photo manipulation.

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