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Andres Patricio jumps between physical and digital realms, and the past and present with his NFT collection Bricklayers. Exploring the technique of Photogrammetry, the ongoing series translates early memories of human experiences into interactive 3D scenes depicting the passage of time across a particular space.
Taking over a thousand photographs of an evolving space modelled after his grandmother’s ever-changing home, he creates a render of each iteration, with different spatial layouts, furniture pieces, and memories, before it changes again. Some of the scenes simply encapsulate a real moment such as moving into a new home, whereas others create an absurd and extreme scene to capture an underlying feeling or mood.
andres patricio digitally captures memories and passage of time with 3D NFT series
all images by Andres Patricio
Bricklayer’s 3D renderings reinterpret recurrent memories of Andres Patricio’s childhood. The artist and furniture designer fondly reflects on visiting his grandmothers home as a child, where upon each visit he would find she had completely changed the entire living room disposition. ‘Vacation after vacation, winter or summer, this room would present itself anew to me. Same room, same furniture, and same objects as always, but everything different,’ he recalls.
Inspired by that ever-changing room, Patricio set off to capture these ephemeral memories of daily living in the digital form. While some of the NFT collection’s iterations translate the emotional mood of a moment, others recreate spatial forms. ‘Christmas versions cherished the space for socializing and gathering of people, Winter versions emanated more introspective sensations, sometimes with her armchair aiming directly at the TV, sometimes looking for the light that came in from the balcony.’
andres patricio digitally captures memories and passage of time with 3D NFT series
the project bridges physical and digital realms, and traverses the past and present
The process begun with taking over one thousand photographs of the room and each individual item contained in it. Using Photogrammetry, the photos were then sent to Metashape — a software to process digital images and generate three-dimensional data from it. This collection is the designer’s first venture into creating digital art pieces that port his physical experiences and designs into the virtual world, making sure these memories live on in Web 3.0. The tokens can be seen on Foundation and OpenSea marketplaces.
andres patricio digitally captures memories and passage of time with 3D NFT series
the designer draws on his childhood memories of his grandmother’s ever changing home

andres patricio digitally captures memories and passage of time with 3D NFT series
over a thousand different photographs of the room were taken then translated digitally
andres patricio digitally captures memories and passage of time with 3D NFT series
some of the iterations translate the mood of a moment, others recreate spatial forms
andres patricio digitally captures memories and passage of time with 3D NFT series
the NFT collection can be browsed as interactive 3D models on OpenSea and Foundation
project info:
name: Bricklayers
designer: Andres Patricio
designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: ravail khan | designboom
a diverse digital database that acts as a valuable guide in gaining insight and information about a product directly from the manufacturer, and serves as a rich reference point in developing a project or scheme.


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