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3D-printing pioneer Arevo has partnered with Animoca Brands to produce a line of custom carbon fibre bikes inspired by and decorated with individually owned NFT artwork.
Web3 / blockchain specialist Animoca sees its partnership with Arevo as representing… ‘a step toward connecting the matterverse to the metaverse, linking unique digital goods with unique physical goods.’
Future product releases will marry Arevo’s mass customization of high-end carbon fibre products with NFT-validated artwork from various communities of artists and owners.
Animoca Brands co-founder and Executive Chairman Yat Siu said “Arevo’s ground-breaking carbon fibre 3D printing technology is a peek at the structure of the open metaverse that Animoca Brands is championing – a Web3 future in which personalization is routine, digital ownership is ubiquitous, and the wall between physical and virtual goods comes tumbling down.”
Arevo CEO Sonny Vu said “We’re thrilled to provide Animoca Brands’ artists and owners with distinguished tangible goods linked to digital assets.
“Our partnership validates the technological progress Arevo has made over the last two years and positions Arevo to scale the technological capabilities showcased by its in-house brands into substantial B2B applications.”
Arevo x Animoca’s NFT-validated carbon fibre bikes are expected to be unveiled in Q1 2023.


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