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The City of Miami is set to drop 5,000 NFTs alongside TIME, Mastercard and SalesForce. This comes as another way of proving the Miami mayor, Francis Suarez’s love of web3, despite the crypto winter.
The city of Miami is launching 5k Ethereum-based NFTs later this year in partnership with Time USA, Mastercard, and Salesforce. The unique NFTs are being designed by 56 different Miami artists, to represent the city’s 56 square mile area.
Time USA will help define the city’s NFT strategy and execute the project. Mastercard will offer the eventual holders exclusive benefits like special event access at restaurants and private cultural tours in the city. Finally, Salesforce is set to manage the NFTs’ minting and primary sales process with its soon-to-be-released NFT cloud platform that will eventually allow brands to mint and sell their own NFTs.
Francis Suarez, the mayor of Miami, is a huge fan of NFTs and the web3 space. He has proven this in many ways. He has previously said that he wanted some of his 401K in Bitcoin, due to his belief in the coin. On this project, and the crypto winter, he said: “We will continue to employ these new technologies to support our existing businesses while attracting new ones.” Suarez also launched an altcoin, $MIA, that generated $8 million in revenue in two months, but is now down 98.9% from its ATH. The city has since locked up or staked most of its $MIA to earn a yield in Bitcoin.
TIME, Mastercard and Salesforce are some of the biggest names in their respective fields. They are all partnering together for the Miami NFT. TIME have launched its own NFTs, TIMEPieces, which was the first-ever full magazine released as an NFT. Mastercard has brought its payments network to web3 and NFTs, as people can buy NFTs with their cards. Finally, SalesForce is in the process of building its NFT cloud.
All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.
This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
A multimedia journalist and social media manager based out of Glasgow, Scotland. Massive interest in sports, specifically basketball and football.
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