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The French clothing company Lacoste has just launched its first NFT project called “Undw3”, pronounced “underwater.” The NFT collection features an image of a crocodile, which connects the brand’s iconic crocodile symbol to web3.
The crocodile NFT collection, limited to 11,212 pieces, refers to the iconic Lacoste Polo shirt L1212. Lacoste’s chief brand officer Catherine Spindler commented on the company’s web3 venture: “UNDW3 attests to our desire to accompany the phenomenon of decentralisation driven by Web3 and bears witness to our ambitions in this area as well as the power of our brand: to bring together our communities and connect cultures around the crocodile.”
Furthermore, Spindler mentioned how the NFT collection is “a true rallying sign throughout the world” and proposes an “experiential, interactive and co-creative” Lacoste universe.
With the release of its NFT project Undw3, Lacoste aims to bridge the physical and digital realms of retail. On Twitter, the brand commented that holders can have a say in the brand’s future by buying the new NFT. Therefore, in addition to owning an uber-cool NFT, Undw3 holders will join an exclusive Lacoste fan community and have access to physical and digital benefits.
It is safe to say that Undw3 has already proved successful. The first drop, which took place on 14 June, is already sold out. What’s more, the clothing brand’s DAO already has 8577 members. Therefore, we can safely assume that Undw3 is only the start of Lacoste’s ventures in web3!
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As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
Janelle is a freelance content writer with a passion for all things related to music, marketing and tech. She looks forward to bringing you more news relating to the fast-paced world of Crypto and NFTs from her home office in Brighton.
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