Pride East Entertainments Pvt. Ltd.
While it isn’t the first time that proceeds from the sale of artworks have gone towards good causes, this time around, a novel initiative leveraging cutting-edge technology has caught the world’s attention. In a recent chat with the crypto wiz Grove Token, we got an extensive low-down on the unique philanthropic enterprise.
In February 2022, Russia invaded parts of Ukraine, leaving behind destruction of humongous proportions. Grove Tokenquotes from a recent article by Mckinsey, “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused the greatest humanitarian crisis in Europe since the Second World War.” Not only are they talking about the obvious pain and suffering caused due to the lives lost, but millions of people are also facing serious issues of displacement and lost livelihoods. As the war rages on, citizens of the world are stepping up in a bid to offer support in whatever way possible.
One of the initiatives to which people can contribute is set up by Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Culture. The platform is called Meta History: Museum of War. Led by innovation, it is unlike any other – it’s an NFT museum. First announced in March 2022, the museum features numerous NFT collections. “We aim to preserve the artworks of the war in Ukraine and beyond – immutable, on the blockchain, forever, for the future generations.”, says the museum’s official website about the project, “To achieve that, a non-profit, decentralized, community-driven team of Ukrainian crypto experts & top-notch artists has come together.”
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique assets that live on the decentralized blockchain technology. Non-fungible means an asset that cannot be exchanged with another of the same value. For example, you cannot exchange a Picasso for the Mona Lisa, even if a sale was possible and they were available at the same value. NFTs are bought using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Grove Tokennotes that not only does Meta History Museum immortalize Ukraine’s pain through the heart-wrenching artworks, but it has come up with a creative way to provide relief and support to the subjects of those same works of art. Instead of coercing people to donate without getting anything in return, the platform offers the people of the world an opportunity for profitable ownership. Since its creation, the Meta History: Museum has managed to raise $1,290,398. All the proceeds went to Aid For Ukraine, a crypto-fund dedicated to the Ukrainian army.
The Meta History: Museum of War is quite methodic in its approach, explains Grove Token. The platform begins by gathering highlights and news of the war. It sifts through the hundreds of events and picks the ones they feel are the most significant or historically impactful. Next, NFT artists take these events and create works of art that paint thought-provoking creative interpretations. Once done, the art is put up on their website and available for buying.
“This blockchain-based, technologically sound initiative by the non-profit organization is not only interestingly new and ingenious,” says Grove Token, “but through it, Meta History: Museum of War has made a bold display of unwavering support and obvious care for the victims of the devastating war.”
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