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Video streaming giant, Netflix has teamed up with Decentraland to promote its new movie, ‘The Gray Man’ in the metaverse. Together with the Electric Factory backed by the Decentraland Foundation, Netflix’s Latin American division held a “Metaverse Mission” for the movie last week. What’s more, the event even rewarded players with The Gray Man wearables! 
Here’s all you need to know about Netflix x Decentraland’s The Gray Man Metaverse Mission:
Essentially, The Gray Man Metaverse Mission by Netflix x Decentraland is a maze to find the best agent in the metaverse. Players have to enter the maze, clock the best times, and win wearables. 
In a blog post, Decentraland explained the mission in detail: “Find the fountain in the maze and retrieve the USB with classified information, then get to the secret room to check your personal time and collect your rewards.”
Additionally, the mission tested players’ knowledge about The Gray Man, the new Netflix movie starring Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans. Therefore, only those who knew the movie well became the “best agents of the metaverse”. The winners walked away with the following wearables:
This is not the first time that Netflix has forayed into the web3 space. For instance, the hit Netflix show Love, Death + Robots launched a phygital NFT scavenger hunt in June 2022. The QR-Coded digital NFT artworks were displayed on billboards, videos, as well as episodes of the show. The NFTs cost a mere 0.0022 ETH. 
Similarly, Netflix reportedly partnered with NFT marketplace Candy Digital, to drop Stranger Things NFTs early this year.
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Reethu Ravi is a journalist based in India, covering environment, sustainability, tech and innovation. When not found between the pages of a book, she can be seen catching up on the latest developments in the tech world. A naval architect-turned journalist, she loves bringing stories of change and innovation to the limelight.
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