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Last month, Theta Labs teamed up with Sony to launch 3D NFTs viewable on Sony’s Spatial Reality Display (SRD). Now Sony has just introduced its “Tiki Guy” NFT, which can be displayed on the SRD. It’s safe to say that this is just one step closer to augmented reality!
There are only 510 Tiki Guy NFTs in total. What’s more, the NFT has a 3D asset that holders can display on the SRD. According to the designer:
“The original purpose was to make them as scary as possible to frighten away ‘Evil Spirits’. They would be bestowed with ‘Mana’ which is the spiritual energy of power and strength. Back in the 50s and 60s in the US, Polynesian culture entered pop culture with ‘Tiki Bars’ and other types of art. Today it is still a fun and kitschy art form in the US.”
Interested individuals can get their hands on the NFT for only $100.
Additionally, those who do not own an SRD can do so by purchasing the Tiki Guy Pack, limited to 10 editions. This Pack includes the exclusive Tiki Guy NFT and the Sony Spatial Reality Display (SRD). Both the NFT and the pack will be available at 21:00 BST on June 17.
Sony is launching the Tiki Guy NFT on ThetaDrop, Theta Labs’ NFT marketplace. NFT enthusiasts know ThetaDrop as the marketplace that released Katy Perry’s Genesis NFT collection; as well as the “American Idol,” “World Poker Tour” and “The Price is Right” NFTs. By launching this NFT, Sony is introducing people to the Sony metaverse and cementing the company’s position in web3.
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Janelle is a freelance content writer with a passion for all things related to music, marketing and tech. She looks forward to bringing you more news relating to the fast-paced world of Crypto and NFTs from her home office in Brighton.

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