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Tron’s film producer Donald Kushner and his Gumbotron production team have teamed up with Forj, a subsidiary of Animoca Brands, to produce a new metaverse called Cryptosaurs. Notably, Tron was one of the first films to feature a metaverse. With the launch of this new web3 project, Donald Kushner pays tribute to the film that elevated his career.
Donald Kushner’s Cryptosaurs is the “next evolution of dinosaurs” that begins with a limited edition NFT drop this autumn. Each 3D dinosaur egg is a mystery box with a “gene randomizer” code that creates a unique Cryptosaur. The holders can use their Cryptosaurs in play-to-earn games, fine art, VR and AR immersive museum exhibits, educational media, a graphic novel and even a pinball machine.
The most exciting thing about Cryptosaurs is that it will bring to life the vision of the original Tron film. This is because the Cryptosaurs will eventually become avatars in the metaverse of the web3 project.
Speaking ahead of the launch, producer Donald Kushner said: “What we began with Tron, we are continuing 40 years later with Cryptosaurs. The difference is that in Tron we had one story about one human character in a digital world. In Cryptosaurs, the number of characters, storylines and revenue-producing derivatives we can generate are unlimited. I think Web3 is going to completely re-arrange the media and entertainment business.”
Tron producer Donald Kushner co-founded web3 studio Gumbotron alongside John Scheele and Mike Bonifer. Simply put, the studio specializes in metaverse storytelling. It combines cinematic techniques, art and technology to create exciting new worlds powered by blockchain technology. By partnering with Animoca Brands’ Forj, Donald Kushner’s Gumbotron is quickly positioning itself as a leader in metaverse storytelling.
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This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
Janelle is a freelance content writer with a passion for all things related to music, marketing and tech. She looks forward to bringing you more news relating to the fast-paced world of Crypto and NFTs from her home office in Brighton.
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