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Metaverse platform, Virtua, and surrealist artist and writer, Tim Cantor, have released a new art NFT collection called ‘Ballad to the Moon’. This is the latest mixed media NFT art from the acclaimed artist. The drop comes on the heels of Cantor’s ‘En Pointe’ piece, which was one of the best-selling collections on Virtua. Let’s take a closer look into Virtua x Tim Cantor’s Ballad to the Moon NFT collection.
Tim Cantor’s ‘Ballad to the Moon’ NFT collection, available exclusively on Virtua, features four NFT artworks. Notably, the four evolve into a fifth NFT, called Ballad to the Moon. The artworks depict “enigmatic poetry”, which blurs the line between memories and dreams. 
Cantor’s thought-provoking collection is a take on “how there is a longing image for a neutral voice that whispers, stays calm, and passes no judgement”. Thus, the unique artwork features a white deer to depict this wish. There is also a timid ghost, whose hands represent humility, and a vintage microphone as a metaphor for the airwaves. 
The Ballad to the Moon NFTs are available as below:
A renowned artist, Tim Cantor designed the cover art for the Grammy award-winning, Imagine Dragons’ #1 album ‘Smoke + Mirrors’ in 2016. He also collaborated with the band on stage design as well as appeared in the music video for their single, ‘SHOTS’. What’s more, he created 13 paintings to represent every song on the ‘Smoke + Mirrors’ album.
Later, Cantor forayed into the NFT space. He partnered with Virtua to create several NFT pieces, including the stunning ‘En Pointe’ piece. 
“We’re honoured that Tim Cantor has chosen our platform to launch his second collection,” said Jawad Ashraf, CEO and co-founder, Virtua. “More and more artists are now recognising the benefits of creating work in the form of NFTs as they can reach a greater audience and make art more accessible to those who traditionally may not have been able to get their hands on it so easily. We look forward to seeing the reactions to this exciting new work from the art world and NFT collectors alike.”
Virtua is a fully immersive metaverse platform that offers social, gaming, digital collectible, and creative experiences. Users can buy, trade, exhibit, and interact with digital collectibles on Virtua’s curated marketplace. Originally called Terra Virtua, the platform recently rebranded to Virtua ahead of its metaverse launch
You can find out more about Virtua and Tim Cantor’s collaboration on their website. Don’t forget to follow them on Twitter and Instagram for all the latest updates!
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Reethu Ravi is a journalist based in India, covering environment, sustainability, tech and innovation. When not found between the pages of a book, she can be seen catching up on the latest developments in the tech world. A naval architect-turned journalist, she loves bringing stories of change and innovation to the limelight.

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