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Being a smart NFT investor is all about staying ahead of the game. With the pace at which the industry is evolving, you must be swift and up-to-date with all the developments. This is why you should know the leading NFT apps for Android and iPhone. If you’re wondering what the top NFT apps are, don’t worry—we have you covered!
In this guide, we’ll discuss the best crypto and NFT apps you can download for Android and iPhone. We’ll also discuss the best apps to create NFT art for free, free NFT apps for Android, and much more. 
First, let’s see what are the best mobile apps to find NFTs:
If you are already active in the NFT space, OpenSea needs no introduction. The world’s largest NFT marketplace, OpenSea is a great platform to find assets of all kinds. You can easily buy, sell, and mint NFTs on the app. From art, sports, and music to collectibles, photography, and trading cards, you can find pretty much all categories of NFTs on the app.
VeVe is a marketplace and mobile app dedicated to digital collectibles. If you are looking for NFT collectibles from some of the biggest IPs and brands in pop culture, gaming, anime, sports, or film, this is the best app for you. In fact, the app boasts partnerships with brands such as  Batman, Marvel, DC Comics, Fast and the Furious, Star Trek, and Disney, to name a few.
To buy and sell NFTs on most marketplaces, you need crypto. This is where crypto wallets like Metamask will come in handy. Apart from safely storing your crypto, the wallet will also hold your NFTs. Besides, Metamask supports all Ether-based tokens and is supported by most marketplaces. It is also easy to set up and use on Android as well as iPhone. Furthermore, it offers a slew of security features, including a key vault.
If you are not into buying and selling NFTs with crypto, you can use VeVe. The app allows you to trade NFTs using fiat. 
If you want to create NFT on your phone, here are some of the best options:
If you want to create NFTs without the hassles of programming, then Appypie is a great option. It is a free NFT creator software and app that lets you create digital art and convert it into NFT without coding. The app offers NFT templates or you can import graphics and add layers to your design. When you’re done, simply export the NFT and sell it!
Another NFT creator app you can explore is SketchAR. Founded in 2017, it is an AR drawing app. The AI-powered mobile app allows you to create and mint NFTs using AR. What’s more, it has its own NFT marketplace to sell your NFTs. 
Alternatively, if you are an iPhone user, you might want to check out NFT Art Creator. It is an Ethereum NFT creator and art maker tool to make creative NFTs. You can also directly mint your NFT to your MetaMask wallet. 
Want to get a little more creative with lessor efforts? Then, you must try AI art apps! With more and more NFT creators opting for AI art apps, these are actually trending now. 
DALL·E 2 from OpenAI, for instance, is an AI system that lets you create photorealistic digital images based on a text description. It can also combine various concepts, attributes, and styles. Additionally, it can take an image and create derivates inspired by it. 
Similarly, Midjourney, an independent research lab, offers the Midjourney Bot to generate images. Alternatively, you can use the Midjourney Bot on their official Discord server. Here too, you can give the bot different prompts to generate your artwork. However, you can only create a limited number of images for free. You will have to subscribe to create more.
Needless to say, being an NFT investor means you have to ace your NFT analytics game. Firstly, to stay on top of gas prices, you can use gas price checker apps. Some options are Gwei (for iOS),, and CoinGecko.
Then, if you are eagerly tracking an NFT and waiting for its floor to drop, floor alert apps will come in handy. These will alert you every time the floor of an NFT you want drops. KountDown, for example, is an NFT floor alert and monitoring app. 
Whether you are a beginner or NFT veteran, having the right tools will make your digital asset journey much easier. NFT apps are a quick, easy, and on-the-go means for investors to buy, sell, and create NFTs, and so much more. Whatever your NFT needs, these applications can be quite useful.
However, do note that NFT apps may charge a fee for using their services. And as always, make sure to do your own due diligence before making any decisions. 
All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.
This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
Reethu Ravi is a journalist based in India, covering environment, sustainability, tech and innovation. When not found between the pages of a book, she can be seen catching up on the latest developments in the tech world. A naval architect-turned journalist, she loves bringing stories of change and innovation to the limelight.
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