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Automated trading platform BOTS is launching its first non-fungible token (NFT) collection, named Metabots, on July 15th, 2022. The community-focused collection consists of 3.000 unique NFTs. Owners of this NFT collection will benefit from both digital and physical benefits.
“At BOTS, we feel NFTs will greatly impact the way we express our identity. NFTs can showcase your personality in many different ways. For example, they are social proof of your participation and involvement in cultural events, the clubs and services you have access to, and your patronage of artists and startups.
In the future, your NFT collection will be a testament to the things and initiatives you’ve helped make possible. NFTs are much more than just digital certificates of ownership. They are irrefutable proof of your professional and private legacy. That’s why it’s imperative that we offer our users exposure to this revolutionary technology” says Rachid Garti, VP of Customer Experience at BOTS.
Significantly, NFT buyers will get access to both digital and physical BOTS benefits. This will include exclusive access to knowledge-sharing groups where the greatest minds of fintech, web3, trading, crypto, and investing meet. What’s more, BOTS will host digital and physical events where NFT holders can listen to expert speakers and network. Finally, all NFT owners can expect surprise airdrops, which BOTS will announce at a later stage.
The limited collection, consisting of 3,000 NFTs, will sell for the equivalent of 375 USD in ETH. The sale will start on July 15th via a dedicated website. Notably, the NFTs are inspired by the trading bots that are offered on the BOTS trading platform. In addition, they will be 3D models in several exciting varieties, with all kinds of different attributes and looks. Of course, various degrees of rarity are available and will be distributed randomly throughout the collection.
To learn more about BOTS and the Metabots collection, check out the platform’s website and Discord server.
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As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
Ola is a US-based writer and digital nomad. He loves thinking, learning, and writing about all things Web3, particularly its impact on major creative industries.

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