Caesarverse, the Roman themed online battle game, is set to deploy its Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in early 2023. Details of the drop have yet to be finalized. Players interested in this type of medieval online battle game can register for the drop, benefiting from gladiators and ludus upgrades in the initial mint.
Caesarverse is a play-to-earn MMO with a twist. One item setting it apart from competitors is its obvious classical-era theme. There are few Web3 MMOs that focus on this era, the market being more orientated towards sci-fi and fantasy gamers.
Given the popularity of many Web2 classical era games (Rome, Age of Empires, Settlers, Assassins Creed, Skyrim, Life is Feudal), it’s fair to say that this market is underserved. There are no real viable Web3 equivalents for these formerly successful games. Caeserverse aims to remedy this, hoping to catch a large swathe of this audience.
Caesarverse allows users to explore a real-life world based on the Roman era, with real people, places, and objects. The game has a high degree of accuracy, which makes sense – one of the aims of Caesarverse is to provide a realistic educational platform that university students can immerse themselves in to learn about this particular era.
While education is the main priority, the P2E MMO battle game is also meant to be fun and enjoyable, while incorporating rewards. Players can purchase real estate and develop it in the Caesarverse metaverse. The in-game currency is “Denarius” and NFTs can be sold for this currency. NFTs purchased early are also expected to appreciate in value.
The combat features of Caesarverse also set it apart from existing MMOs. Like MOBAs, one of the most popular gaming genres of all time, Caesarverse will offer 5vs5 combat. But it enhances the experience.
CaesarVerse is introducing a rank structure for the legionary combat. A higher rank player can command other players. The lower ranked players get XP boosts for obeying the orders of the higher ranked player. While the demo release will consist only of gladiatorial combat within an arena, this ranked combat will be introduced upon full release (most likely in late 2023 or early 2024).
This 5vs5 combat is separate from the default open world exploration mode where players can explore the land. NFTs within the game can be used as weapons for combat. NFTs can also take on numerous other forms such as scrolls, amulets, or objects. But NFTs are not actually required to take part in the game.
Caesarverse is currently in its early development stages. But it has a specific use case in terms of its educational aspects, serves a distinct market of medieval gamers, and has a clearly defined niche, with very little competition in its area of expertise.
Details of the initial mint for the purchase of a Caesarverse Genesis NFT have yet to be released.
Antique era enthusiasts can stay tuned about the upcoming 2023 mint via Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Reddit, or the official Caesarverse webpage.
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