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On June 6th, Epic Games and Gala Games revealed their collaboration for a new blockchain game: Grit. The two made the announcement at the Galaverse convention. In short, Grit is a battle royale NFT-powered game with wild-west vibes and scenery.
In fact, the game will be the first of many blockchain games to be released on the Epic Games store, Gala Games revealed.
The main reason why Gala Games joined forces with Epic might be due to the company’s support of web3 gaming. Back in October 2021, the giant gaming hub Steam took a firm stance against blockchain games. To clarify, Steam banned all NFT-powered games from its platform.
Surprisingly, Grit is currently listed as an early access game on Steam too. However, the last update appears to have been made on January 25th.
Back then, the Grit team announced a delay in its official launch via social media. This might be the moment Gala Games’ Grit might’ve started a new deal – this time with Epic Games.
In fact, Epic Games said it would welcome web3 games in response to Steam’s 2021 ban. It wasn’t until now that the two partners revealed Epic’s debut in the blockchain gaming sector, though.
Basically, Grit is a blockchain game inspired by the Wild West culture. The game developers describe the experience as “the ultimate wild west battle royale”. From horses to pistols and Western towns, the game brings Wild West aesthetics into the web3 era.
Of course, users will be able to mint and trade in-game items offered as NFTs. As a free-to-play online multiplayer game, Grit will be available on the PC.
To begin with, Grit will drop 10,000 avatar NFTs via Gala Games. Minting will start this week as part of the Galaverse convention. However, note that the game itself will launch later this year via Epic Game’s Unreal Engine.
At this moment, Gala Games is one of the biggest blockchain gaming platforms. The network boasts over 1.3 million users as of April 2022.
The platform uses its native currency, GALA coin, to support the ecosystem. Unfortunately, the token experienced a decrease over the past month, CoinMarketCap reports.
To conclude, Gala Games’ partnership with Epic Games is a big step forward for the platform. Their debut blockchain game, Grit, is a Wild West-themed virtual experience for PC players. The debut NFT collection of avatars for the game will drop this week during the Galaverse convention.
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As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
Adele Ioana is a writer with a deep interest in digital visual arts. Between covering two news stories, she enjoys drawing portraits and studying photo manipulation.

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