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This month, the iconic digital artist Tyler Hobbs revealed his latest generative NFT project: QQL. This innovative platform allows users to create their own digital assets based on unique algorithms. In other words, anyone will get a chance to collaborate with Tyler Hobbs and generate valuable artworks.
QQL will auction off 900 mint passes in September, so let’s find out all about this unique project ASAP!
Basically, QQL is a generative NFT project created by Tyler Hobbs and Dandelion West. The team describes this platform as “an experiment in generative collaboration” that engages community members too.
In fact, everybody will be able to test the QQL algorithm to generate their own digital assets. The founding team will release a unique algorithm on the platform and additional tools to use it. Next, community members will be able to create and discover generative artworks based on the same algorithm.
“It’s up to you to decide what speaks to you and to select the final works,” the QQL platform states.
According to the official website, everybody will be able to use Tyler Hobbs’ QQL platform for free. However, only those who hold a QQL Mint Pass can actually mint their generated collectibles.
As a Mint Pass holder, you can create a unique “seed” that includes three items:
This way, your generative NFT will feature your own signature. The digital seed also serves as proof of each artwork’s originality.
The QQL Mint Passes will drop as NFTs in September. There will be 900 Passes up for auction via Archipelago, an NFT marketplace dedicated to generative artworks.
To begin with, Tyler Hobbs is among the most successful generative NFT artists to date. Some of his iconic NFTs of the “Fidenza” collection sold for over 1,000 ETH thanks to their simple, yet creative algorithm. You can find out all about Tyler Hobbs’ vision and work in our exclusive article right here.
Meanwhile, Dandelion Wist describes himself as a “crypto hacker, founder, and collector”. The developer held a TED Talk discussing the importance of NFT marketplace mechanics earlier this year. Now, he is focused on expanding the Archipelago generative NFT marketplace, which allegedly supports Art Blocks too.
Together with Tyler Hobbs, Wist aims to turn QQL into a long-term generative NFT project available for every art enthusiast.
All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.
This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
Adele Ioana is a writer with a deep interest in digital visual arts. Between covering two news stories, she enjoys drawing portraits and studying photo manipulation.
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