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Internet Game: Season 2 has arrived, and popular web3 thought leader and NFT creator, gmoney, will be the host. Season 2, officially titled  ‘Bear Market Battle’, promises to be bigger and better than ever. Therefore, expect high-quality games in the latest edition of this fast-paced Web3 blockchain game. 
Bear Market Battle launches on September 19th and will feature six brand-new games. Running until September 30th, this colossal event will incorporate the classic 1950s-1960s game styles, considered the golden age of game shows. 
The Internet Game series is exciting, fast, and exclusive to Web3. A truly interactive experience, The Internet Game Discord community vote on the NFT prizes, and players buy in to join the game. 
Actress Leah Lamarr will work alongside gmoney in the new season of the web3 game. Together, they will act as a guide for players during each round. The final head-to-head battle will also see gmoney host exclusively.
Players in the Bear Market Battle can win some seriously impressive prizes. Amongst these is a highly valuable Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT. The current floor price for a BAYC NFT is a whopping 73 ETH! The NFT up for grabs, #4317, has pink fur with a short mohawk and 3D glasses. 
Other fantastic prizes in the Internet Game: Season 2 include a pass to the gmoney Admit One community. Furthermore, winners will also gain access to gmoney’s initial 9dcc drop ITERATION-01 luxury “Networked Product” t-shirt.
All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.
This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
James is an English teacher and freelance writer with a passion for NFTs, football, film and technology.
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