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Kutee Kitties is a typical collection of non-fungible tokens NFTs, but one with a strong mission– to save the world from plastic. With such an innovative aim to accomplish, Kutee Kitties will be released in the second week of November.
The Kutee Kitty NFT project was born with the awareness of how plastic has pervaded the air, the ground, water and vegetation and so much so that it is now within us too. The project will breathe a new life into plastics polluting the oceans by creating usable items from recycled plastic.
About Kutee Kitties
The Kutee Kitties collection consists of 10,000 NFTs with over 100+ different traits to create a ‘rare’ and uber-cool Kutee Kitty. The rare attributes will be depicted in the NFTs metadata and will be displayed with other NFTs featuring that specific attribute.
The team members explain in their white paper, “Technology has fashioned our world into a global village, and one of the biggest and growing marketplaces in this village is the world of NFTs.” Thus, Kutee Kitty’s goal is to be something larger and more significant than a simple collection of tokens.
Six phases of the Kutee Kitty Project:
Perks of Membership:
A $ 10,000 CONTEST
To win the prize of $10,000 in ETH, participants will have to make a video in which they demonstrate that they have improved the environment by planting a tree, growing flowers, adopting a needy animal, and creatively reusing plastic. 10 lucky winners will be chosen at the end of the contest, and the top reward is $10,000 in ETH!
Note: The contest is initially for NFT holders for the first phase, but will be later open to everyone.
The mission of the Kutee Kitty NFT project is to create non-polluting materials, like T-shirts from recycled plastic. The platform will also tap into great investments to create innovative materials.
The project attempts to use trashed plastic from land and oceans to create rare and valuable NFTs. Each Kutee Kitty’s revenue will be reinvested back into the project to pay for contractors to get rid of junk or plastic remains from the land and seas. The used plastic will then be sent to an expanding network of recycling facilities. The more Kutee Kitties are sold, the more money will be invested in plastic cleanup and recycling initiatives.
The project also intends to inspire other projects to come up with such cause-centric long term goals as the project uses self-sustaining strategies with positive and attainable ripple effects. Note that NFT holders will earn 20% of investment revenue in funding any programmer involving environmental preservation

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