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La Gazzetta Dello Sport is currently releasing its first NFT collection, paying tribute to the great passion for soccer. The collection also pays its dues to the new Serie A champions, AC Milan. This is a limited NFT collection so you might want to act now.
The La Gazzetta Dello Sport NFTs are basically a tribute to an extraordinary football season, capped with a nail-biting final match. After 11 long years, AC Milan finally reclaimed the Scudetto in the 2021/2022 season. NFT holders will essentially become part of the exclusive “Gazzetta NFT Club”.
The “Campioni d’Italia 2021-2022” NFT collection has 4 tiers: Legendary, Epic, Rare, and Smart. The Smart tier is selling for €29.90, and already has 1130 mints at the time of writing. The Rare tier and Epic tier are selling for €79 and €499 respectively. At the very top, the Legendary tier is selling for €999, and has 19 mints so far.
Smart tier holders will get 12 months of a free “G +” subscription, discounts and privileges on future collections, and access to the exclusive Discord channel. On top of these benefits, the Rare tier holders can access rare live streams and video chats with top sports celebrities.
On the other hand, the Epic tier holders will get their names highlighted on the Gazetta website. In addition, they will receive a special guest pass to one of the many Gazzetta events, and also a framed page of the Gazzetta 23rd May 2022 paper edition.
Lastly, the Legendary tier holders will have their picture on the Gazzetta paper to acknowledge their status in the community. They will also receive a VIP pass at one of the Gazzetta events.
All in all, these unique benefits have never been offered to the football community. It certainly seems like an interesting opportunity for fans all over the globe.
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All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.
This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
Bryan is a content writer based in Malaysia. Aside from food and sports, his interests include blockchain, cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

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