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‘Leave the Earth – Litter in Metaverse’ is the first NFT of Stephen Vineburg’s collection ‘Been There, Done That’. The art piece focuses on a confectionery wrapper that has traveled the world. Now it’s on a journey to space and the Metaverse. The work centers on the transition from physical to digital art, whether as a widely available AR experience or a unique NFT.
The wrapper has already traveled, in virtual form, around the Globe, changing its form and dimensions. The whole collection represents a wry observation about the disposable nature of touristic memories. Meanwhile it highlights the literal waste from tourism on Earth and beyond.
In 2020 Stephen Vineburg exhibited the conceptual sculpture, ‘Been There, Done That’ at the Open Space exhibition in the Giardini Marinaressa, Venice. In a conceptual sense it represented the disposable nature of many touristic experiences. Figuratively, it reflected the detritus of tourist consumerism. It attracted a warm response from Venetians who already have concerns about the impact of tourism on their city.
The first stop in the transition from physical to digital art is the creation of an AR experience which allows the Wrapper to travel the world. To explain, the Wrapper filter on Instagram allows any user to place the 3D Wrapper model in any location and trigger an animation showing the Wrapper ripping open and becoming litter.
The second digital form of the piece is a series of NFTs showing the Wrapper in unlikely situations. The first of these is ‘Leave the Earth – Litter in Metaverse’ which shows the Wrapper on an asteroid floating in space. It reminds us of humankind’s ability to discover New Worlds and then discard our detritus on them.  Given the current race between billionaires, it seems relevant.  The aim to become space tourists and tick it off their bucket list, is just – in other words- : ‘Been There, Done That’. The piece is out on Foundation.
The final step of the Wrapper’s trip is the Metaverse. There it will exist on a banner in the Decentraland Metaverse. In this sense ‘Leave the Earth – Litter in Metaverse’ is officially the Metaverse’s first piece of litter.
Learn more about the project on the Stephen Vineburg official website. Then, check out the ‘Been there, done that’ drop on foundation . If you’re new to the marketplace, check out our guide about foundation app and how to use it.
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