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Coming from Gripnr, a top web3 company, The Glimmering powers a unique 5E tabletop roleplaying gaming (TTRPG) experience! From outstanding artwork to Metaverse utility, these avatar-style collectibles are ready to take over the Web3 universe.
Their Genesis NFT collection will drop this summer, so let’s find out more!
In short, The Glimmering is a collection of 10,000 NFTs built on the Polygon blockchain. Each digital asset is a character you can use in the project’s NFT-powered tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG).
Therefore, the collectibles are divided into multiple rarities. From skills to classes and ancestry, each element will help you evolve within the game!
In terms of design, a team of iconic artists joined forces to create unique characters. Creators such as John, Angryblue, and Omnigraphicon, previously developed merch for Metallica and Iggy Pop. In addition, their experience includes DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, and more!
All in all, The Glimmering debut NFTs open the door to a great community of 5E gameplay enthusiasts – so let’s find out more about that.

The Glimmering team has already created a powerful community around the project and for good reason. For example, members can evolve their NFT characters through gameplay. The more XP, gold, and loot your character gets, the more valuable your NFT becomes!
In addition, features like staking provide you with extra earnings. Meanwhile, NFT holders also gain exclusive access to future projects, NFT collections, and community-only events.
Last but not least, the highly-detailed artworks turn The Glimmering NFTs into outstanding collectibles. Regardless of your in-game journey, these digital assets are still valuable in the long run!
Of course, these perks are all thanks to a powerful founding team, so let’s meet them.

In essence, Gripnr is a Web3-focused company that brings 5e TTRPG to the Metaverse. Its founders are a powerful team of entrepreneurs, developers, and more.
For example, the CEO Brent McCrossen is a music industry veteran. Entrepreneur Patrick Comer developed the research tech platform Lucid, which sold for over $1B last year. Furthermore, the previous Wizards of the Coast developer and Dungeons & Dragons game creator Stephen Radney-MacFarland is leading the company’s game design.
You can easily join The Glimmering pre-sale list via their #Roll2Mint system. All you have to do is follow the project on Twitter, join their Discord server, and engage with the amazing community.
BONUS perk: If you join the Discord server and say you came from NFT Evening, you’ll automatically get on the pre-sale list!
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All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.
This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
Adele Ioana is a writer with a deep interest in digital visual arts. Between covering two news stories, she enjoys drawing portraits and studying photo manipulation.

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