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Wimbledon’s centre court turns 100 this year and will launch a unique NFT collection to celebrate the occasion. In 1922, the All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club (AELTC) moved to a new home at Church Road. Over the years, this has also become an iconic landmark and the spiritual home of Tennis.
In total, there are 10 NFTs, each representing a decade of Tennis on the famous centre court. Each of these NFTs has 100 editions. This means there are 1000 NFTs in total, at £500 each. From today, you can enter the ballot to register your interest in the collection in “The Centenary Collection.”
Marking a century of world-class tennis at Wimbledon, this NFT collection promises to deliver an excellent and historical collection of NFT digital art. To ensure that they highlight the enormous amount of history that has taken place at the Tennis institution, the AELTC is teaming up with Glorious.
Significantly, Glorious is an eco-friendly digital art studio and NFT marketplace. Also, as curators of the project, they have overseen the process of immortalising the last hundred years of centre court action on the blockchain. What’s more, they have to look at each decade’s culture, art, fashion and events.
“Wimbledon is treasured by one of the world’s largest and most dedicated assemblage of fans, many of whom will already enjoy an appreciation of digital art. With these fans in mind, Glorious has worked with the AELTC to craft a masterpiece Centenary Collection immortalising the magnificent history and legacy of Centre Court,” said Chief Executive Tim Harper.
The ballot for the Wimbledon NFT is now live, and you must register via the website. The selection process is random, and winners will get notified via email. Then, they will have 48 hours to complete their purchase.
Finally, this is a beautiful opportunity to own a piece of digital Tennis history. However, owners of the NFTs will have to wait until July 10th to see their new NFT.
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As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
James is an English teacher and freelance writer with a passion for NFTs, football, film and technology.

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