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NFT art has taken on physical artwork in a way unanticipated five years ago. NFTs are now not just for the crypto maniacs; art collectors, artists and audiences are swimming the waters with equal intent. This is giving rise to “digital art renaissance”, Danvas, the creators of the first ‘luxury digital display’ for the innovative NFT art, notes.
NFT art is an impending cultural movement but this art form is not as convenient to display as the physical artwork that you can show off in a frame placed above the fireplace. Despite the unfathomable expansion of the domain, artist and collectors are struggling to warp their heads around delightful ways to show off the NFT art collections. The simplest way, for now, is printing still artwork and displaying it like usual art. The only difference here is that some artists/collectors would attach a QR code to the art so it can be easily scanned and verified online. On the other hand, NFT digital display frames are just catching up as an inventive way to show off NFTs in videos or GIF formats.
Designer: Danvas and Ammunition Design

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Danvas in collaboration with Ammunition Group has taken a new approach to this idea of displaying NFTs within their compelling digital frame which invites audiences, artists, and collectors to interact with the digital artwork. The objective of this luxury digital display dubbed Series G is to “convert” individuals into “lifelong collectors”. Such collectors can have their own private gallery of digital artwork at home, watching their collectible NFTs rolling away in turns on this digital canvas.

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The Series G display frame is like any traditional one, however, it embraces the ability to emit audio and also deliver subtle interactive lighting to convey the authenticity of the artwork. For this, the 48 x 48-inch display syncs with an NFT wallet and allows onlookers to behold an interactive gallery with bewildering information about the collection on exhibit.

The Series G display integrated with software to gather, organize, share and display NFT art comes in matte black, crisp white, or North American maple options to choose from. It is custom-made in the US but gives artists and collectors worldwide a digital canvas to display NFT art in their homes every day.

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